Online Speed DatingSpeed Dating Online

What is Speed Dating?

Speed dating can really be an interesting way to meet a large group of potential single people wanting dates.

Are you single and have difficulty finding other singles? Going to a singles bar doesn’t always find you the type of date you are looking for.

Are you looking for a one night stand or a possible relationship? If you are looking to find out about a person a bit before going out with them and having a group to choose from, then speed dating could be of interest to you.

Speed dating isn’t going out on a date with a person. It is having a few minutes, possibly somewhere between 3 to 8 minutes where the two of you chat and ask questions about each other. Usually there is a group of some sort running the event and advertises it to get a good variety of people attending. After you chat for your few minutes, a bell rings or someone announces that it’s time to switch. Then you get a brand new person for another few minutes to chat with to see if the two of you would be interested in dating one another. After the event is over, if you did find someone of interest to you, you let the planners of the event know. If it turns out both parties showed an interest in each other, the event planners exchange information with the two participants. If only one person was interested in the other, then it saves the person from embarrassment when the other person tells them they weren’t interested.

Typically these events are advertised and aren’t free. To participate, you may be required to pay a fee. Most likely it’s a fund raiser for the event planner. The planner will need potential participants to register ahead of time so they know how many men and women they need to equal out the odds. It’s possible they will take late comers that haven’t per-registered, but not likely. That could throw off their numbers.

I haven’t heard of any of these events being held in the United States, but it is shown as a location for them. Other countries that hold this type of event are United Kingdom, Canada, and Israel.

If you are looking for someone your own age, having a difficult time meeting people, this may be an ideal set up for you to attend. It’s not like a noisy bar where you got the band playing music so loud you cannot chat. It’s usually quiet giving you the ability to interact with the other person so much easier. If you run across someone you definite do not want to date, your short speed date is over quickly and you move on to the next participant. This is also different than when you meet someone you really don’t want to be around in a different location, sometimes it’s difficult to get away from them. This also make speed dating more safer than the typical way of meeting someone.

If you are single, looking for a date, this may be just what you have been looking for. Try out speed dating and you may just meet the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.

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