Online Speed DatingSpeed Dating Online

Speed Dating Is Easy

There is no reason to be nervous about going to your first speed dating event. It’s just a big social meeting where lots of singles gather. There are no requirements other than to be single. Willing to answer questions or ask questions to others.

I imagine many singles go to these events with complete doubt that they will find someone they will be interested in. The results show different. There are many matches made and even marriages where the couple met at a speed dating event.

When I hear someone planning on getting together with someone they met online, that makes me nervous. Having never met this person face to face before, it seems they may be putting themselves in a precarious position.

Speed dating isn’t like just meeting someone online and making a date. There are some speed dating events online, I am sure they are run by legit events holders, but the face to face meeting seems so much safer. I wouldn’t think criminals, or felons would show up at a face to face speed dating event but they could hide behind the safety of their computer. A speed dating event is a safe atmosphere where everyone has the same goals in mind. To find someone they would enjoy dating.

What is holding you back? You are single I would say if reading this. You most likely would like to have a significant person in your life. Are you sitting at home on the weekends when you would rather be out at a movie or dinner?

If you fit into the above scenario, why not try speed dating? Take a step out of your comfort zone and check your local pages, library, or civic center to see if there is one happening in your area. Even a lot of churches are holding these types of events. They are great fundraisers and a safe place for singles to hang out for the night. A great way to maybe get new members into the church too. I might just suggest to my church to try and sponsor an event such as this. Most have social halls. The only other thing they need is the people to run it, some snacks, and singles. Actually sounds like fun.

I think I still haven’t convinced you to try it out. I know, you are most likely thinking that only desperate people would attend such an event. Maybe it is so. Even if it is true, what makes a lawyer who is attending an event undesirable? Or a teacher, a minister, a nurse, a paramedic or just a homemaker undesirable? They can be the most witty and attractive people but not have time to really go out and meet someone. Or know where to go to meet someone that is single that isn’t at a bar.

Look at you! You are desirable. You are single, witty, fun to be with. Would someone who picked your name as one they are interested in dating be unhappy they picked you. I think not.

So give it a try. You have nothing to lose but a night alone in front of your television watching reruns of an old movie. I could give that up easy. Hope to hear your story of success.

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